Informational Interview- Relevant professional organizations

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You identified a professional in the field of psychology to interview. You selected an interviewee employed in a psychology-related job that interests you and developed a list of fifteen questions. You also prepared a meet-and-greet plan and a script to use at the beginning of the interview.

For this assignment, you will conduct an interview with your chosen psychology professional using those fifteen questions. The interview must last a minimum of thirty minutes. As specified in Module 1, you must ask the interviewee about his or her work, academic preparation, and advice during the interview.

Be certain to include the interviewee''s answers to your questions on the following topics:

The experiences, skills, and knowledge necessary for success in a career in psychology or in graduate school

Relevant professional organizations

His or her views on professional ethics and academic integrity

The role of psychological research in his or her work

His or her greatest challenges and rewards

His or her reasons for choosing the field

Once the interview has been completed, prepare a summary in paragraph format (not question-and-answer format) detailing your meet-and-greet actions and script, the responses you have received from the questions you asked, and a discussion of any impact the interview has had on your decisions regarding possible future employment possibilities.

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